On the outside looking in... Self-help, Parenting, RelationshipsSue de JongeMay 15, 2019self-esteem, relationships, parenthood Comment
What lies beneath the mask of Perfectionism? Self-help, Relationships, Self-Love, ChangeSue de JongeJanuary 4, 2019Beautifully SelfishBlog, Perfectionism, Beliefs, Relationships, EmotionsComment
What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? (And WHY this quote pisses me off!) Self-help, Self-Love, ChangeSue de JongeAugust 31, 2018
Are you playing the role of leading actor in your own story? Self-help, Relationships, ChangeSue de JongeSeptember 28, 2017relationships, personal, self-esteem, storiesComment
Empty nest and what it taught me Parenting, Relationships, Change, Self-helpSue de JongeDecember 6, 2016blog, parenthood, personal, empty nestComment