Original hand illustrated cover artwork created by Suzie’s daughter, Alex Saba

The Untangling

They say there is no stronger bond than the one mothers and daughters share. But for Suzie de Jonge, a close relationship with her mother never came easy. In the wake of her mother’s death, Suzie brings to light tender memories that had been gnawing at her for too long, and reflects on the burdens, challenges and gifts she was imparted over the years.

From this powerful place of vulnerability and surrender, Suzie finds her way through past hurts and comes back to love, experiencing life-changing realisations and understandings along the way.

In Part II, people in Suzie’s circle have opened their hearts and shared their own absorbing recollections of experiences with their parents.

The Untangling is a precious reminder of the possibilities that lie on the other side of judgement, blame, emotional baggage and limiting beliefs. It will support you to bravely rediscover yourself and your freedom, and step forth into a new chapter of life with a sense of simplicity, clarity and peace.

Each of us deserves our own untangling.





About the Author

Suzie de Jonge loves to share her wisdom as a motivational speaker, interviewer, and blogger. She enjoys hanging out with her husband, daughter, and two fur babies, as well as reading, meditating, laughing, and making each day count.

Suzie has worked in an impressive variety of industries, from hospitality to human resources and health care. She has run businesses in medical transcription and life coaching and has trained as a therapist and clinical hypnotherapist. Yet it’s her latest reinvention as a writer that has been especially delightful and emotionally freeing.

Through sharing her story in The Untangling, Suzie hopes to support readers on their own journey of self-discovery.


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