Discovering Joy Retreat

Friday 13th - Monday 16th October

Give yourself the space to nourish your mind, body and soul.... Hosted by your Joy-Filled Facilitators Sami Howard of Ripple Healing and Suzie de Jonge author of The Untangling! Your Journey begins the moment you say YES to YOU and JOY

Traveling by ferry over to the tranquil haven of Noosa North Shore, you will arrive, leaving all of your daily life and limitations behind. This retreat is all about YOU!

Immersed in the peaceful space for 3 magical days and nights, allow yourself to deeply listen, explore and discover the layers of your whole being, your unlimited self! 

Filling  your cup with wonderful experiences, nourishing yourself with delicious food, a safe community of sharing circle, transformative healing, expansive meditation, and quiet moments of reflection, you will increase your capacity to receive JOY in all forms—more than you could ever imagine was possible!

This precious experience will be expansive and spacious, giving you ‘a-ha’ moments, allowing you to drop the mask of doing, force and busyness, giving yourself grace in the space of being, to simply be and receive.  

You will rediscover the ‘you’ who may have been lost or not given priority in your day-to-day life and responsibilities and also, most importantly, remembering what brings you joy and being unashamedly you!

Rediscovering this version of you, joy-filled, nourished and expanded, the impact naturally ripples into all areas of your life … your loved ones, career and purpose—it’s impossible not to!

By gifting yourself the time and space to process, and gently surrendering into each moment, you will release long held beliefs that may have left you confined, bored, restricted or may have created dis-ease, (either physical, emotional or spiritual). 


It is being so lovingly held by the people and the land, you experience transformational shifts that ripple through you, beyond you, nourishing your life and nurturing the lives of your loved ones, and the community. 



  • 3 nights wonderful accommodation at the beautiful Noosa North Shore Retreat, connecting to nature in the tranquil, expansive space

  • Nourishing you from the inside out with delicious food & drinks

  • Cultivate Joy, Love, Peace & Space with daily rituals & meditation

  • Restorative Yoga with the healing harp

  • Share from your heart with truth, love and compassion forming a safe community together

  • Transformational Healing & Lots of JOY!

Our Transformational Haven

To say YES to this nourishing, joyous invitation, and to discover the power of joy in you,
we invite you to share a loving conversation with us via phone. 

Your Investment


Early Bird Discount (payment before 22nd September)


$2250 includes All Meals, Accomodation and Additional Surprises
Twin Share $1900 Share the Experience (and Room) with a friend

Payment after 22nd September

$2750 Single includes All Meals, Accommodation and Additional Surprises
Twin Share $2400 (save $350) when you share the experience with a friend


Sami tenderly holds you in a space of love allowing you to transform your life creating clarity, calm, presence and space so you can discover the real you, your infinite essence. As you connect to your higher soul and discover you are ‘love no matter what’ old paradigms are broken down, long held self limiting beliefs are dissolved and confusion cleared.

Sami holds a deep inner knowing that we are more than our physical body and create the whole of our reality, with love and wisdom. She intuitively heals through the modalities of Pranic Healing, Restorative Yoga and Coaching healing the whole of YOU. All of Sami’s life experiences have exquisitely qualified her to support and inspire you in your life so you may heal physically, emotionally, energetically and spiritually – by remembering your whole self, a multidimensional being. 

For more about Sami, please visit Ripple Healing


Suzie de Jonge loves to share her wisdom as a motivational speaker, interviewer, and blogger. She enjoys hanging out with her husband, daughter, and two fur babies, as well as reading, meditating, laughing, and making each day count and is a lover of the principles of A Course in Miracles.

Suzie has worked in an impressive variety of industries, from hospitality to human resources and health care. She has run businesses in medical transcription and life coaching and has trained as a therapist and clinical hypnotherapist. Yet it’s her latest reinvention as a writer that has been especially delightful and emotionally freeing.

Through sharing her story in The Untangling, Suzie hopes to support readers on their own journey of self-discovery.